Life History of Prophet Muhammad PBUH : The Beginning: (Marriage of Abdullah & Bibi Aminah & Demise of Abdullah)
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
In the name of Allah the most beneficent, the most merciful.
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
"السلام عليكم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ"Assalamu Alaikum
(May the blessings of Almighty and peace be upon you)
The Beginning Urdu: The Beginning : (Marriage of Abdullah & Bibi Aminah & Demise of Abdullah)
جناب عبداللہ کی خُوبصورتی اور ذہانَت کی وَجہ سے قُرَیش کا ھر گھرانہ اُن کو اَپنا داماد بنانا چاہتا تھا۔ مَگر خدائے پَاک جَناب عَبدُاللہ کی دُلہَن منتخب فَرماچُکا تھا جو سَارے مکّہ میں اپنے حُسن اور شَرافت میں ایک ہی ایک تھیں۔ اس لیے کہ اُن ماں باپ کے ذریعہ دُنیا میں ایک اَیسی مُقدّس ہَستی آنے والی تھی جِس کی وَجہ سے خدا تعالیٰ نے یہ سارا عالَم پَیدا فَرمایا ہے۔
عَبدُالمطّلب اَبھی تَک کہیں جناب عبدُاللہ کا رِشتہ مَنظُور نَہیں کیا تھا۔ اِسی زَمانے میں اِنہیں یَمَن کا سفَر پیش آیا۔ عبدُالمطّلب یَمن میں جِس آدمی کے یَہاں ٹھہرے وہ یَہُودِیوں کا ایک بَڑا عالِم تھا ایک دِن وہ عبدُالمطّلب سے کَہنے لَگے:
’’اے اِبنِ ہاشِم! اَگر آپ اِجازَت دیں تو میں آپ کے بَدَن کا کُچھ حِصہ دیکھنا چَاہتَا ہوں۔‘‘
عَبدُالمطّلب کو بہت تَعجّب ہُوا مَگر اُنہوں نے اِجازت دے دی۔ اَب اُس یَہودِی نے اُن کا بَدن ٹَٹولنا شُروع کِیا۔ دیکھتے دیکھتے جَب اُس کی نَظر ناک پر پڑی تو اُس نے جَلدی سے دونوں نتھنے دیکھے اور پُکار اُٹھا۔
’’مُبارک ہو تُمہیں ابنِ ہاشم! ایک طَرف سے نَبوّت کا پَتہ چَلتا ہے اور دُوسری طَرف سے سلطنت اور بَادشاہَت کا۔‘‘
پِھر اُس نے کہا
’’آپ بَنی زہرہ کے خاندان میں شادِی بیاہ کا رِشتہ پیدا کیجئے اس لیے کہ اُن کے یہاں رِشتہ کرنے میں نَبوّت کے آثار مِلتے ہیں۔‘‘
عبدالمطّلب مکّے واپس آگئے۔ اس وَقت مکّہ کا ہَر گھرانہ جناب عبدُاللہ کو حاصِل کرنے کی کوشِش کررَہا تھا۔ مَگر عَبدُالمطّلب نے کِسی کا رِشتہ مَنظُور کرنے سے پہلے یہ تَحقِیق کہ کیا بَنی زہرہ کے خاندان میں کوئی نیک سِیرت اور نیک صُورت لڑکی ہے اور پھر جیسے اُنہیں جَناب آمِنہ بِنتِ وھب کے متعلّق معلوم ہُوا اُنہوں نے فوراً وہب کے گھر بیٹے کا رشتہ بھیجا۔ جناب آمِنہ کے ماں باپ خود جناب عَبدُاللہ کو ہر طرح پسند کرتے تھے اِس لیے فَوراً ہی رِشتہ منظُور ہوگیا۔
اس کے بعد خاندان بَنی زہرَہ کی بیٹی ہاشمی سردار سے بیاہ کر آگئی۔ شادی کے بعد جَلد ہی جناب آمنہ اُمید سے ہوئیں۔
اِس زَمانے میں مکّہ سے ایک تِجارتی قافلہ شام (ملکِ شام) جانے والا تھا۔ اِس کے ساتھ جَناب عبدّاللہ کا جانا بھی طے ہوا۔
چُنانچہ ایک دِن وہ اَپنی نَئی نَویلِی دُلہَن سے رُخصَت ہوکر قافلے کے ساتھ رَوانہ ہوگئے۔ شام (ملکِ شام) پہنچ کر قافلے نے لین دین کیا اور اِس سے نِمٹ کر واپس مکّے کو رَوانہ ہُوا۔ مَگر خُدا کو یہ مَنظُور نَہیں تھا کہ عَبدالمطّلب اپنے بیٹے کو دوبارہ دیکھیں اور جناب عبداللہ اَپنی نئی نَویلی دُلہَن سے پِھر مِل سَکیں۔ جَب یہ قافلہ یَثرب پہنچا تو اَچانَک عبدُاللہ بیمار ہوگئے اور پِھر کُچھ دِن بَعد یہیں اُن کا اِنتِقال ہوگیا۔ اُن کے رِشتہ داروں نے اُنہیں یثرب کے قریب ’’ابواء‘‘ کے مقام پر دَفن کردِیا۔
جب یہ خَبر مکّے پہنچی تو عبدُلمطّلب کے ساتھ مکّے کے ہر گھرانہ نے جَناب عبدُاللہ کا ماتَم کیا۔ مَگر جِس خُدا نے یہ غَم دِیا تَھا وَہی اَب عَبدُالمطّلب کے گھرانے کو اِتنی بَڑی نِعمَت دینے وَالا تَھا جِس کی خوشی دُنیا کے ہَر غَم پَر بھاری ہے۔ وَقت گزرتا گیا اور جَناب آمنہ کے یَہاں پَیدائش کے دِن قَریب آتے گئے۔ (زرقانی وطبری)
The Beginning Urdu: The Beginning : (Marriage of Abdullah & Bibi Aminah & Demise of Abdullah)
Abd ul Muttalib’s son Abdullah, father of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH was very intelligent, handsome and well mannered amongst his brothers. The intelligence and beauty of Abdullah attracted the entire people of Makkah that every tribe of Makkah wanted to give away their daughter in marriage to Abdullah, but Abd ul Muttalib did not agree to any of the proposals he received for Abdullah. During the same time, Abd ul Muttalib went to Yemen along with the caravans for trade, whilst his stay in Yemen, Abd ul Muttalib was put up with a Jew who was a religious scholar. Upon seeing Abd ul Muttalib, one day the Jew informed Abd ul Muttalib, that he has signs of a great personality coming from his lineage, and if Abd ul Muttalib would allow the Jew to inspect his body he would find the signs and read them and intimate Abd ul Muttalib the meaning of those signs. Abd ul Muttalib was surprised and averted his request, however, upon persistent requests and insists from the Jew Abd ul Muttalib agreed and when the Jew started inspecting Abd ul Muttalib’ s body. The Jew did not find any signs but when he checked upon his nose he exclaimed in happiness and said to Abd ul Muttalib,“Oh Ibn Hisham (son of Hashim), it is revealed to me from your nares that from one side it is Prophethood and from the other its leadership and kingdom and you posses them both. Later, the Jew informed Abd ul Muttalib to look for a bride from Bani Zuhra tribe as the tribe of Bani Zuhra is very pious and there are similar signs revealed in their tribe.
Abd ul Muttalib’s son Abdullah, father of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH was very intelligent, handsome and well mannered amongst his brothers. The intelligence and beauty of Abdullah attracted the entire people of Makkah that every tribe of Makkah wanted to give away their daughter in marriage to Abdullah, but Abd ul Muttalib did not agree to any of the proposals he received for Abdullah. During the same time, Abd ul Muttalib went to Yemen along with the caravans for trade, whilst his stay in Yemen, Abd ul Muttalib was put up with a Jew who was a religious scholar. Upon seeing Abd ul Muttalib, one day the Jew informed Abd ul Muttalib, that he has signs of a great personality coming from his lineage, and if Abd ul Muttalib would allow the Jew to inspect his body he would find the signs and read them and intimate Abd ul Muttalib the meaning of those signs. Abd ul Muttalib was surprised and averted his request, however, upon persistent requests and insists from the Jew Abd ul Muttalib agreed and when the Jew started inspecting Abd ul Muttalib’ s body. The Jew did not find any signs but when he checked upon his nose he exclaimed in happiness and said to Abd ul Muttalib,“Oh Ibn Hisham (son of Hashim), it is revealed to me from your nares that from one side it is Prophethood and from the other its leadership and kingdom and you posses them both. Later, the Jew informed Abd ul Muttalib to look for a bride from Bani Zuhra tribe as the tribe of Bani Zuhra is very pious and there are similar signs revealed in their tribe.
Abd ul Muttalib came back to Makkah, he started to look for a bride whose lineage is with Bani Zuhra. Once Abd ul Muttalib found that Bibi Aminah daughter of Wahab is from the lineage of Bani Zuhra, he immediately sent proposal to Wahab family who stayed in Madina. The family of Wahab accepted the proposal and the marriage of Abdullah and Bibi Aminah was solemnised. Finally, the daughter of Wahab from Madina came down to the family of Hashmi, the leader of Makkah.
After few months of marriage, Bibi Aminah was expecting. At the same time when Bibi Aminah was pregnant one caravan was supposed to go to Syria and Abdullah went with the caravan to Syria, which was common those days that the sons of the leader would accompany the caravan or the leader himself. After the trade was over in Syria, Abdullah and his men started their return journey back to Makkah. Abd ul Muttalib, back in Makkah was very eager to receive Abdullah as he was newly wed and his wife Bibi Aminah was also expecting. When the caravan reached Yasrib (Madina) Abdullah fell ill, and after few days Abdullah succumbed to illness. Abdullah’s relatives buried him near Yasrib (Madina) a place called “Abuaa”. When the news of the death of Abdullah reached Abd ul Muttalib and Bibi Aminah, mourning took over the clouds of happiness in the house of Abd ul Muttalib and also amongst the people of Makkah. The loss was very huge as Abdullah was the most loved and favourite son of Abd ul Muttalib and his demise during the time when Bibi Aminah is expecting verily put family of Abd ul Muttalib and Bibi Amina in huge sorrow and grief. Days passed by and the time of birth of Abdullah and Bibi Aminah’s son Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH was nearing.
After few months of marriage, Bibi Aminah was expecting. At the same time when Bibi Aminah was pregnant one caravan was supposed to go to Syria and Abdullah went with the caravan to Syria, which was common those days that the sons of the leader would accompany the caravan or the leader himself. After the trade was over in Syria, Abdullah and his men started their return journey back to Makkah. Abd ul Muttalib, back in Makkah was very eager to receive Abdullah as he was newly wed and his wife Bibi Aminah was also expecting. When the caravan reached Yasrib (Madina) Abdullah fell ill, and after few days Abdullah succumbed to illness. Abdullah’s relatives buried him near Yasrib (Madina) a place called “Abuaa”. When the news of the death of Abdullah reached Abd ul Muttalib and Bibi Aminah, mourning took over the clouds of happiness in the house of Abd ul Muttalib and also amongst the people of Makkah. The loss was very huge as Abdullah was the most loved and favourite son of Abd ul Muttalib and his demise during the time when Bibi Aminah is expecting verily put family of Abd ul Muttalib and Bibi Amina in huge sorrow and grief. Days passed by and the time of birth of Abdullah and Bibi Aminah’s son Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH was nearing.
End of Chapter -I
What we learnt / Guidance:
1. Abdullah’s lineage is with Hazrat Ismail (A.S) and also the lineage of Bibi Amina daughter of of Abd e Wahab is from Abd e Manaaf from whom the lineage gets linked with Hazrat Ismail (A.S). It can be learnt from the marriage of Abdullah and Bibi Aminah that Allah (swt) wanted the Seal of Prophets, Prophet Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ PBUH to be born from the tribes who have direct lineage with Hazrat Ismail (A.S).
2. It is learnt from the above that Bibi Aminah was from Madina, it can be understood that the events were unfolded in such a way that the nature knew that one day Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH would migrate from Makkah to Madina and spread the message of Islam from this holy land. It is as if that the preparations for arrival in Madina are also being planned before the birth of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH.
3. The lineage of no other Prophet or any other human being can be traced or has ever been preserved therefore this was a miracle bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH that his lineage was guarded by the Almighty Allah (swt). This is due to the tradition that there is no fornicator amongst the ancestors of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH from Hazrat Aadam (A.S) up to Abdullah. Ibn al Kalbi said “ I wrote down five hundred female ancestors of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH and I did not find any fornication among them nor any of the evils which were prevalent in the Jahilliya (ignorant) period”
4. It is also learnt from the above, that no other Prophet was welcomed in such a manner that the events of nature were systematically arranged in such a manner that the whole universe is preparing itself for the grand arrival of the Seal of Prophet, Muhammad ﷺ PBUH. It is no wonder that all the religious scholars of those times were well informed and were looking for the signs and were calculating the time of arrival of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH.