Life History of Prophet Muhammad PBUH : The Birth of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
In the name of Allah the most beneficent, the most merciful.

Dear Brothers & Sisters, 

"السلام عليكم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ"Assalamu Alaikum 
(May the blessings of Almighty and peace be upon you) 

The Birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH  (Urdu)

اور پھر وہ مُبارک دِن آگیا۔ بَارہ (۱۲) رَبیعُ الاوّل پیر کے روز بِیس (۲۰) اَپریل ۵۷۱ء صُبح کے وَقت جَناب آمِنہ کے یَہاں وِلادَت
 ہوئی اور دُنیا وآخرَت کی بَرکَتیں لےکر ایک سَراپا نُور بچّہ دُنیا میں تَشرِیف لےآیَا۔ آپ ہی پَیغَمبر آخرُالزّمان رَحمتِ عالَم حضرت مُحَمّد صَلَّی اللہُ عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ تھے۔
اِسی روز صُبح کے وَقت مکّے سے سینکڑوں میل دُور یَثرَب میں ایک یَہودِی عالِم ایک ٹیلے پَر چَڑھ کَر پُکارنے لَگا۔
’’اے یَہودِیو! اے گُروہ یَہود!‘‘
یَہودی یہ آواز سُن کر وَہَاں جَمَع ہوگئے تو اُس نے کَہا:
آج رَات پَیغَمبر آخرُالزّمان اَحمد کا سِتارہ طُلوع ہوگَیا ہے اور وہ اِس دُنیا میں تَشرِیف لاچُکے ہیں۔‘‘
اِسی روز مَکّے میں ایک یَہودی نے اَپنے قُرَیشی دوستوں سے پُوچَھا:
’’قُرَیشِیو! کِیا آج تُمہارے قَبیلے میں کوئی بَچّہ پَیدا ہُوا ہے؟‘‘
قریشیوں نے کہا کہ ہَمیں مَعلُوم نَہیں ہے۔
یَہودی نے جَواب دِیا:
’’مَیں تُمہیں بَتاتا ہوں کہ آج دُنیا کی آخرِی اُمّت کا نَبی پَیدَا ہُوا ہے۔‘‘
اَب قریشیوں نے تَحقِیق کی تو پَتہ چَلا کہ عَبدُالمطّلب کے پوتا ہُوا ہے۔ قُریشیوں نے اُس یَہودی کو بَتایا تو اُس نے آکر آپ کی زِیارَت کی اور کَہا:
قریشو! تُمہیں مُبارَک ہو۔ اِس بَچّے سے تُمہیں مَشرِق اور مَغرِب میں زَبردَست شُہرَت مِلے گی۔‘‘
عبدُالمطّلب کو جَیسے ہِی پوتے کی خَبر مِلی وہ فوراً آئے اور آپؐ کو گود میں لےکر پِیار کیا۔ پِھر وہ آپؐ کو لےکر حَرَم میں گئے اور آپؐ کو گود میں لےکر بَیتُ اللہ کا طَواف کیا۔ اُنھوں نے اپنے مقدّس پوتے کا نَام ’’مُحمّدؐ‘‘ رَکھا جِس کے معنی ہیں وہ شَخص جِس کی سب تَعریف کریں۔ لوگوں نے جب سُنا کہ عبدُالمطّلب نے پوتے کا نام ’’مُحمّدؐ‘‘ رَکھا ہے تو اُنہوں نے اِس کی وَجہ پوچھی۔ عَبدُالمُطّلب نے جَواب دِیا:
’’مَیں نے یہ نَام اِس لیے رَکھا ہے کہ آسمان پَر خُدا تَعالیٰ اور زَمین پَر اُس کی مَخلُوق اِس بَچّے کی تَعرِیف کَریں۔‘‘
قریش میں یہ دستور تھا کہ ماں بچّے کو خود دُودھ نَہیں پلاتی تھی بَلکہ دُوسرے قَبیلوں اور بَستِیوں سے دودھ پلانے والیاں آکر اُجرَت پَر بچّوں کو دودھ پِلانے کےلیے لے جاتی تھیں۔ حُضورؐ نے شُروع میں کُچھ دِن اَپنی والِدہ کا دودھ پِیا۔ اُس کے بَعد جنابہ آمنہ نے حضورؐ کو ایک عَورَت ثَوبیہ کے سپرد کر دیا تاکہ جَب تَک دایائیں بچّوں کو لینے آئیں اُس وَقت تَک ثوبیہ آپ کو دُودھ پِلائیں۔ کُچھ دِن بَعد قَبیلہ بَنی سعد کی دُودھ پِلانے والی عَورتیں مکّہ پہنچ کئیں اور اُنہوں نے آکر قُریش کے گھروں سے اَپنے لیے بچّے حاصِل کرنے شُروع کردیئے۔ مَگر عبدُالمُطّلب کے گَھر کوئی دایہ نَہیں آئی۔ کِیونکہ یہ کوئی اَمیر آدمی نَہیں تھے۔ دوسرے اُن عَورتوں نے یہ خَیال کِیا کہ اِس بچّے کا بَاپ زِندَہ نَہیں ہے اِس لیے ہَمیں کُچھ زیادہ اِنعام نَہیں مِلے گا۔
اِسی طَرح ہر عَورَت کو ایک ایک بچّہ مِل گیا۔ صِرف ایک اَنا ایسی رہ گئی جِسے کوئی بَچّہ نہ مِلا۔ یہ دایہ حَلیمہ بِنت زویب تھیں۔ حَلیمہ کو بچّہ نہ مِلنے کا بَہت رَنج تھا اُنہوں نے اَپنے شوہر سے کَہا:
مجھے اِس۔۔۔ (مضمون نمبر ۶ جاری ہے)

The Birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Monday the 12th  Rabi ul Awwal, 20 Apr 571 AD in the early hours of the morning when the night was in its final course, and the light of the day was about to take over from the darkness of night, the entire universe was illuminated with a glow of light coming form sky, filling every gap it can removing the darkness, a pleasant breeze filling up the atmosphere making the clouds to sway from one place to another, the trees singing songs of happiness and swinging in their melodies, the birds chirping and soothing the ears, the moon smiling and waving at every one, stars twinkling in their heights approximately at around 4-4:30 am, the blessing for the human kind, the Seal of the Prophets, the Last and Final Prophet of Allah (swt), Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born in the house of Abdullah. Every human who was awake was mesmerised with the happenings, it was as if a new world is about to begin, a new era, a new chapter in everyones’ life, a new hope in the making of human kind.  Somewhere in the heaven the angels were celebrating, the angels of the sky were making arrangements to safeguard the skies more than ever, and witnessing a different world coming up, it was this auspicious moment where the nature of the world and heavens embraced together to welcome and celebrate the arrival of Habeeb of Allah (swt) Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

During the same day in the morning hours somewhere thousands of miles away from Makkah, a Jewish scholar who witnessed the happenings of the change in the universe stood up on the top of a hill and address to the people of Israel saying ‘Oh the people of Israel, listen up” the entire crowd gathered upon his call and the Jew addressed them “today the last of the Prophet named Ahmed is born and the light of the Prophet is all over the universe”. A Oracle in Makkah who never came down from his dwelling for years, in the early hours of the morning of the same day when Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born, came down running into the streets of Makkah with his hairs scattered all over his shoulders enquired if some one is born today, the people of Makkah said one child is born in the house of Abd ul Muttalib, the oracle said take me to his place, when Abd ul Muttalib saw the oracle, Abd ul Muttalib said what made you come down from the caves, as you were not seen for years, the oracle said “ I do not have time to explain this, take me to the child which is born in your house” Abd ul Muttalib replied that the child is not in my house, he is the son of Abdullah and the father of the child is no more. Abd ul Muttalib went to Abdullah’s house and brought Prophet MuhammadPBUH, when the oracle saw the Prophet, he fainted and fell down, when the oracle woke up, he said, “the child is the prophet for all the all human race, and from the people of Israel the Prophethood was taken saying this he went back to the mountains. Abd ul Muttalib when he saw his grandson, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, he carried him in his arms and kissed him on his forehead, later he took him to Kaaba and circumambulated the Kaaba. 

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was named as Ahmed and Muhammad as the two names have their own importance. Ahmed means the one who praises Allah (swt) in abundance and Muhammad means the one who is praised by all in abundance. Bibi Aminah, during the time of pregnancy was strolling near the mountains/ hills of Makkah, suddenly Bibi Aminah heard a word saying ‘Bibi Aminah Mubarak’ (congratulations), Bibi Aminah looked around to find if someone is hiding and speaking to her, but Bibi Aminah couldn’t find any one around there. After few days again when she was strolling in hills, she again heard a voice saying “ Bibi Aminah, congratulations the child in your womb will be named as Ahmed”, accordingly, the name of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was kept as Ahmed. Also it is recorded that Abdul Muttalib, when he went to Syria for trade along with few  Quraish people, they all met Jew scholars, the Jews informed Abd ul Muttalib and the  Quraish that very soon a prophet will be born and his name will be Muhammad. When Abd ul Muttalib and his associates learned this they thought within themselves that if they have a child in their tribe or in their lineage, they will name the child Muhammad, accordingly when the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born he was also named as Muhammad.

A tradition of not feeding the new born by the mothers was prevalent those times in Makkah, every new born was given to wet nurses of Bani Saad tribe who would take care of the child far away from Makkah in desert land to teach them classical Arabic, in return they would received a salary from the family of the child. This tribe use to live in deserts, the purpose of giving away the new born to such people was to provide their children the originality of life in learning the Arabic language, customs and rituals also. As in the towns and cities every day new culture and development is seen and the originality of the customs and tradition is not found. Bibi Aminah fed Prophet Muhammad PBUH until the time the wet nurses of Bani Saad did not come to Makkah. Every mother in Makkah was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the wet nurses from Bani Saad, once the people of Bani  Saad arrived in Makkah, they learnt that one of the child born is an orphan, the wet nurses  started discussing with each other as who would take care of the child who is born in Abdullah’s house as the father of the child is no more, also the family of Abd ul Muttalib was not rich enough to compensate them for their services. Every wet nurse avoided going to Abdullah’s house. When the time of returning back to their places neared, every wet nurse was having a baby, but Bibi Halima or Daai Halima, who was also a wet nurse did not get any baby and going back without a baby would cost her livelihood, Dai Halima requested her husband Harith to take the son of Abdullah and Bibi Aminah with her as only one child i.e. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was left to be taken.


What we Learnt / Guidance:

As-Shifa binte Asad, mother of Abdur Rahman bin Auf (R.A) who assisted the delivery of Bibi Aminah, narrates that when Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born he was smiling, he was already circumcised, his umbilical cord was cut from within the mothers womb, he was born clean without any dirt on his body, the entire room was filled with aroma of fragrance. After few minutes of birth, Prophet Muhammad PBUH put his hands to ground and prostrated and he lifted his right index finger towards the sky, praising and thanking the Almighty Allah (swt). When the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was shown to Bibi Aminah the first word Bibi Aminah uttered upon seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH was “Allahu Akbar”. The words ‘Allahu Akbar’ praising Allah at times when idol worship was practised is evident that Allah (swt) wanted the mother of Prophet Muhammad PBUH to utter the words of praise of Allah (swt).

Bibi Aminah narrates, when she was pregnant, she never had any pain or any trouble during the pregnancy unlike others. It is also narrated by Bibi Aminah that during her pregnancy, she saw a dream, that a divine light emanated from her and spread all over the world, when she described the dream to a oracle, the oracle intimated Bibi Aminah, that the child she is bearing will be a great person and from this child the entire world will be benefitted and that his religion will be spread all over the world.

Hazrat Esaa (A.S) informed to the people of Israel, that one of the prophet will come after me and his name will be “Ahmed”. The name of Ahmed and Muhammad was given by Allah (swt). Allah (swt) conveyed this message through the scholars and by the signs which Bibi Aminah experienced during her pregnancy. Allah (swt) has credited Prophet Muhammad PBUH with many names in Quran viz., Muzammil, Mudassir, Yaaseen, Taaha, etc. Allah (swt) never addressed Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Quran as Oh Muhammad, though other prophets were addressed like Oh Esaa, Oh Zakariya Oh Aadam, Oh Musa, Oh Yaqoob etc, whenever Allah (swt) mentioned Prophet Muhammad PBUH directly, he addressed him with names like Mudassir, Muzammil etc which only shows the love Allah (swt) has towards Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It is also said by some scholars that the name Ahmed (the one who praises Allah (swt) with abundance) and Muhammad (the one who is praised by all in abundance) is in such a way that if one becomes Ahmed then can become Muhammad i.e. the one who praises the Almighty Allah (swt) and follows the path of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, for those are the rewards of the world and heavens.

When Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born the thrones of in the palaces of Syria and France were turned down. Ceaser had 14 idols in his palace, it all fell down, the stream flowing alongside his palace was buried down to earth, the fire which was never put out by anyone for thousands of years was suddenly flamed out, when the King saw all these happenings, he called the scholars and enquired about it. When they consulted with their Oracles, they came to know that a prophet is born and this is the reason these incidents happened and when the king asked what about the 14 idols whey they fell down, the scholars said that it is the sign that from now only 14 Kings will rule this land. The King thought it will be long time as 14 Kings in making will take much of the time, however within a span of 5 years 10 of the rulers died, later when the 14th King ruled the land, the kingdom was taken over.

Hazrat e Hassan (R.A), the poet of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, for whom the Prophet  Muhammad PBUH supplicated to Allah (swt) asking the Almighty Allah (swt) to open his chest and pour the knowledge of poetry and Islam through the Angel Jibreel (A.S). The Prophet  Muhammad PBUH himself would ask Hazrat e Hassan (RA) to deliver his poetry in the pulpit placed in Haram to deliver the message of Allah (swt). Hazrat e Hassan  (R.A) narrates that when he was living in Medina and when he was seven years old he witnessed a Oracle in Madina who came down running from his cave and informed the people of Medina that today a Prophet has been born. 

Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A), narrates that one day my father Umar (R.A) was sitting in the courtyard with his few of his people, one man passed by and  Hazrat Umar (R.A) said to his people that this man is a Oracle or he was a Oracle. The people called the person and enquired if he was a Oracle, to this he replied “Yes, some time back I was but now am not as Allah (swt) has guided me to the right path’. Hazrat Umar (R.A) asked him to narrate something which he saw unusual during his time of being a Oracle, he described that, he use to have contacts with the Jinn and the Jinn would bring the messages to him. One  day he saw the Jinn was upset and when enquired as to what happened, the Jinn replied that we use to listen to the angels in heaven and bring messages from them to you and from today we cannot bring any message as we are being thrown stones from the sky by the angels whenever we approach the sky, also there is no food in our place and all our beds have been tuned upside down, it has been said that today the Last of the Prophet has been born.

The lineage Allah chose was one of the best of the best lineage amongst his people in the earth. Allah (swt) chose the lineage of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and from Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) he chose Hazrat Ismail (A.S) and from Hazrat Ismail (A.S) he chose Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Thousands of prophets came from the lineage of Hazrat Yakoob (A.S)  son of Hazrat Ishaaq (A.S) son of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) but only one prophet from the lineage of Hazrat Ismail (A.S) son of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).  Like Allah (swt) is the one and only one, the exalted, he wanted the last of the Prophet also to be the one and only one from the lineage of Hazrat Ismail (A.S).

All these recordings cannot be mere coincidence, it is carefully arranged and selected by Allah (swt), starting from selection of the name of Prophet Muhammad  PBUH to the lineage and also from informing the scholars before the birth, the signs and messages from other prophets all these were formulated and arranged especially for the final messenger of Allah (swt).  Allah (swt) is all knower and the all doer, he knew that there would be many contradictions and questions from the ignorant people, hence Allah (swt) secured the entire information of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and authenticated it thereby telling the mankind  “that whosoever wishes to understand Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his message with open heart will surely accept every word that Allah (swt) has conveyed to his people by means of divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 


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