Life History of Prophet Muhammad PBUH: Childhood of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH : Tribe of Banu Saad & Demise of Bibi Aminah


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ

In the name of Allah the most beneficent, the most merciful.

Dear Brothers & Sisters, 

"السلام عليكم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ"Assalamu Alaikum 

(May the blessings of Almighty and peace be upon you) 

Childhood of Prophet Muhammad  PBUH : Tribe of Banu Saad & Demise of Bibi Aminah

جَب حلیمَہ آپ کو دُودھ پِلاتیں تو آپ صِرف ایکچھاتی کا دُودھ پیتے۔ اس سے حلیمہ نے سمجھ لیا کہ آپ دُوسری چھاتی کا دُودھ اُن کے بچّے کےلیے چھوڑ دیتے ہیں

۔ اس سے حلیمہ نے سمجھ لیا کہ آپ دُوسری چھاتی کا دُودھ اُن کے بچّے کےلیے چھوڑ دیتےہیں۔

دُودھ پینے کی مُدّت پُوری ہونے کے بَعد آپؐ کے مکّے جانے کا وَقت آگیا۔ اِدھر حَلیمہ دو سال سے آپ کی بَرکَتیں دیکھ رَہی تھیں اِس لیے وہ آپ کو جُدا کرنا نَہیں چاہتی تھیں۔ اسی لیے اُنہوں نے فَیصلہ کِیا کہ اس وَقت بچّے کو لے جاؤں اور پِھر مکّے پہنچ کَر آمِنہ سے اِجازَت لے لوں کہ وہ اَپنے بچّے کو کُچھ دِن اور میرے پَاس چھوڑ دیں۔

مکّے پہنچ کر حلیمہ جَنابہ آمنہ کے پَاس آئیں اور حُضُور کو اُن کے سپرد کرتے ہُوئے کہنے لَگیں:

’’میرا دِل چاہتا ہے کہ آپ مُحمّد کو ذرا بڑے ہونے تَک اور میرے پَاس چھوڑ دیں۔ مُجھے ڈَر ہے کہ اَبھی مکّے کی آب و ہَوا اُنہیں نُقصان پہنچائے گی۔‘‘

جنابہ آمنہ نے شُروع میں تو اِنکار کیا مَگر جَب حَلیمہ کا اِصرار بُہت بَڑھا تو اُنہوں نے اِجازَت دےدی۔ حَلیمہ فوراً حُضور کو لےکر پِھر اپنے گاؤں میں آگئیں۔ حَلِیمہ اور اُن کے شوہَر مدّت سے حضور کی بَرکتیں دیکھ رَہے تھے اِس لیے وہ دِل و جَان سے آپ کو چاہنے لَگے تھے اور ہَر وَقت آپ کو اَپنے ساتھ رَکھتے تھے۔

جَب آپ کی عمر چار سال سے زیادہ ہوگئی تو آپ کبھی کبھی بکریاں لےکر جَنگل جانے لَگے۔ ایک روز آپ حلیمہ سے اِجازَت لےکر دوسرے بچّوں کے ساتھ بَکریاں چَرانے جَنگل چَلے گئے وَہاں آپ ایک جگہ بیٹھ کر بکریوں کی دیکھ بَھال کَرنے لَگے اور دُوسرے بچّے کھیل کود میں لَگ گئے۔ جب دوپہر کا وَقت ہوگیا تو اَچانَک حَضرَت جِبرائیل عَلیہِ السَّلام حُضُور کے پاس آئے اور اُنہوں نے آپ کو چت لٹادیا۔ پھر اُنہوں نے آپ کا سِینہ چَاک کَرکے اُس میں دِل نِکالا اور اُس کو دھو کر وَاپس رَکھ دِیا پِھر اُنہوں نے آپ کا سِینہ بَرابَر کیا اور وَاپس چلے گئے۔

دُوسرے بچّے یہ مَنظر دیکھ کَر ڈرگئے وہ سب سیدھے دایہ حَلیمہ کے پَاس پہنچے اور اُنہیں بَتایا کہ کِسی نے مُحمّد (صَلی اللہ عَلَیہ وَسلّم) کو قَتل کَردِیا۔ وہ دونوں یہ سُنتے ہِی مدحواس ہوکر حُضُور کے پَاس آئے۔ دیکھا تو آپ جَنگل میں ڈرے ڈرے سے کھڑے ہیں۔ حَلیمہ کے شوہر نے ایک دَم آپ کو اَپنے سِینے سے لَگایا اور چَمکار کَر اَصل بَات پُوچھی۔ آپ نے اُنہیں بتلایا کہ میرے پاس دو آدمی آئے اُنہوں نے مُجھے پَکڑکر سِیدَھا لٹایا پِھر اُنہوں نے میرا سینہ چَاک کرکے کوئی چِیز نِکالی اور دوبَارہ سینہ بَرابَر کرکے چَلےگئے۔

اِس وَاقعہ سے دایہ حَلیمَہ اور اُن کے شوہر بُہت ڈر گئے کہ آپ کو کَہیں کوئی نُقصان نہ پہنچ جائے اس لیے اُس کے بَعد جَلد ہی دایہ حَلیمہ حُضُور کو لےکر آگئیں اَور جناب آمِنہ کے سُپرد کَرکے وَاپس ہوگئیں۔ (ابن سعد، ابن ہشام، ابن خلدون، ابن

اَب حضور مکّے میں اَپنے گَھر وَاپس آچُکے تھے جہاں آپ کی وَالِدہ اور آپ کے دادَا ہَر وَقت آپ پَر جان چھڑکتے اور آپ کی ہَر بَات کا خیال رَکھتے تھے جَب آپ کی عُمر مُبارک چھ (6) سال کی ہوئی تو ایک دَفعہ جَنابہ آمِنہ آپ کو ساتھ لےکر یثرب کئیں اُن کے ساتھ اُن کی باندی ام ایمن بھی تھیں۔ یثرب میں جنابہ آمنہ عبدُالمطّلب کی نانہال میں ٹھہریں۔

یثرب میں کُچھ یَہودِی عالِموں نے آپ کو دیکھا تو وہ آپ کے مُتعلّق نئی نئی خَبریں دینے لَگے۔ جلد ہی یہ خبر سارے یثرب (مدینہ) میں پہلی اور یَہودِی عَالِموں کی جَماعَتیں آپ کو دیکھنے کےلیے آنے لگیں۔ ایک روز کُچھ یَہودِی راہب اور عَالِم حُضُور کو دیکھنے آئے تو اُن میں سے ایک نے کَہا۔

’’یہ بَچّہ اِس اُمّت کا نبی ہے اور اِس شَہر یَعنی یَثرب کی طَرف یہ ھِجرَت کریگا۔‘‘

کُچھ دِن یَثرب میں ٹھہر کر جناب آمِنہ ایک دِن آپ کے ساتھ واپس مکّے کو روانہ ہوئیں مَگر یَثرب سے چَل کر جَب وہ ابواء کے مَقام پَر پہنچییں تو اَچانَک بِیمار ہوگئیں۔ پِھر یہ بِیماری ہی اُن کِی مَوت کا پَیغام بَن گَئی۔ جنابہ آمِنہ نے یَہاں اَپنے وَطن اور رِشتے دَاروں سے دور بےکَسی کی حَالَت میں جان دیدی۔ بِالکُل اُسی طَرح جیسے چَند سَال پَہلے اُن کے شوہر جناب عَبدُاللہ کا سَفر کی حَالَت میں اِنتِقال ہوگیا تَھا۔ اُمّ اَیمَن نے وَہیں اَبواء مقام پَر جَناب آمِنہ کو دَفن کَردِیا اَور حُضُور کو دِلاسہ دیتی ہُوئی وَاپس مکّے آ گئیں۔

(مضمون نمبر ۷ جاری ہے)

Childhood of Prophet Muhammad PBUH : Tribe of Banu Saad & Demise of Bibi Aminah

Bibi Halima was not willing to give away Prophet Muhammad PBUH after seeing the blessings which had come to her upon the arrival of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Bibi Halima was also aware that she can’t keep Prophet Muhammad PBUH without the consent of mother of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Bibi Aminah, hence she decided to bring back Prophet Muhammad PBUH after seeking permission from Bibi Aminah. Bibi Halima reached Abdullah’s house and handed over Prophet Muhammad PBUH to Bibi Aminah, while handing over, she requested Bibi Aminah to let Prophet Muhammad PBUH with her for some more time as the atmosphere in Makkah is not conducive for the growth of the child. Bibi Aminah who was away from her son Prophet Muhammad PBUH for 02 years was not willing to give away once again, but Bibi Halima persisted so much that Bibi Aminah finally agreed to allow Bibi Halima take Prophet Muhammad PBUH with her and stay safe with Banu Saad tribe for few more years. Bibi Halima was very happy and along with her husband Harris and Prophet Muhammad PBUH she came back to Saad. Days went on and Prophet Muhammad PBUH was loved by both Harris and Bibi Halima more than their children due to his innocence and also because he never quarrelled with his foster brother and sisters and he never argued with the children of the Banu Saad, it was also observed by Bibi Halima that Prophet Muhammad PBUH always preferred to start anything from the righthand side and never started anything from the lefthand side. When Prophet Muhammad PBUH was 04 years old, he asked Bibi Halima as to where Harris, his brother and sisters do go in the day time, to this Bibi Halima replied that they go to look after the animals grazing in the mountains and forests nearby and come back in the evening. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said to Bibi Halima that he would also go along with them and learn as it is not good that he is left alone at home and they all work so hard every day. Bibi Halima did not want Prophet Muhammad PBUH to go along with the animals and look after them while they are grazing as she was aware that the tribe of Quraish will not spare her if something untoward happens to Prophet Muhammad PBUH, hence Bibi Halima denied the request of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. However, upon continuous request, Bibi Halima granted permission to Prophet Muhammad PBUH to go with his foster brother. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was very happy and readily accepted the job of a shepherd and started to go with his foster brother daily. One day during the afternoon, while other children in the filed left their cattle to graze and were playing, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was sitting and looking after the cattle, suddenly two people from sky came down and they got hold of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and made him lie down and opened his chest and took out his heart, cleansed it and then kept it inside, sealed the chest and went off. When the children and foster brother Abdullah saw this, they came running to Bibi Halima and Harris and said that some one had killed Prophet Muhammad PBUH. When they both heard this, they ran to the place and saw Prophet Muhammad PBUH was standing under a tree holding its branch and was looking pale. When Bibi Halima and Harris saw that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is safe they both hugged him and asked him as to what had happed. Prophet Muhammad PBUH described “two men dressed in beautiful white attire came and caught hold of me, they made me to lie down and they opened my chest and took my heart, and I witnessed the entire happening from my own eyes, they put it back and sealed my chest and went off”. Bibi Halima when she heard this opened the shirt of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and to her amazement she saw the marks of stitches in his chest which was extended unto his navel. Bibi Halima was very terrified and she took Prophet Muhammad PBUH and her husband Harris to a nearby Oracle for consultation, the oracle upon enquiry and observation said “Halima this child seems to be the chosen one by the creator and it is also understood from the signs that from this child (Prophet Muhammad  PBUH), the creator (Allah (swt)) will spread the word of God like other Prophets who came to this world to deliver the message of Allah (swt), also he is bound to have many enemies so you have to keep this child with you with utmost care and responsibility”. 

House of Bibi Halima

Now Bibi Halima decided that she would not keep Prophet Muhammad PBUH with her, thinking that if something untoward happens to him then the entire tribe of Quraish will not spare her life and of their husband and children. Hence, both Harris and Bibi Halima took Prophet Muhammad PBUH back to Makkah and when Bibi Halima handed over Prophet Muhammad PBUH to Bibi Aminah, Bibi Aminah was surprised as Bibi Halima insisted that Prophet Muhammad PBUH be with her for few more years and she had come back so soon and now not willing to keep with her, Bibi Aminah enquired as to why she is not willing now to keep her son Prophet Muhammad PBUH, to this, Bibi Halima explained the entire incident which took place and also the routines of Prophet Muhammad PBUH which was quite different from other children and Bibi Halima informed Bibi Aminah that she may not be able to have safe custody of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Bibi Aminah asked if Bibi Halima is terrified, because she feels that there are any sign of any evil captivity of Jinn upon her son Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Bibi Halima said may be that would also be possible. Bibi Aminah informed Bibi Halima that her son Prophet Muhammad PBUH can never be held captive by any evil or Jinn as the moment Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born, she (Bibi Aminah) was aware that he is the chosen one and Bibi Aminah had given the custody of Prophet Muhammad PBUH unto Allah (swt). Finally, Bibi Halima left Prophet Muhammad PBUH and went to Saad.  

Prophet Muhammad PBUH now started to live with his mother Bibi Aminah and his grandfather Abd ul Muttalib in Makkah. Abd ul Muttalib was very fond of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Abd ul Muttalib being the leader of Makkah and Quraish tribe held his position very high, though he was poor as whenever he had money with him he would spend it on the pilgrims who use to come to Hajj and also in the maintenance of Kaaba. As Abd ul Muttalib was regarded very high, he had a special status and his leadership was always praised by other leaders of the tribe, he had his own place where he would give sermons and orders to other leaders of the tribe whenever they assembled in “Darun Nadwa”(a place of assembly of all the leaders of Makkah). The place where Abd ul Muttalib use to sit would not be occupied by any of his sons nor any other person would dare to sit even when Abd ul Muttalib is not present. Prophet Muhammad PBUH would always attend the meetings and whenever he went to the assembly, he would sit  exactly in the place where Abd ul Muttalib would sit, whenever some one tried to move him from that place, Abd ul Muttalib use to say that my son is  different from others and do not deject him from sitting in my place, Abd ul Muttalib also informed that he would prefer siting next to him or below him than to move Prophet Muhammad PBUH from his place. Now this was the daily routine of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, he would go with his grandfather and  sit with him and learn the politics and rulings of the Makkah. 

When Prophet Muhammad was 06 years old, Bibi Aminha decided to visit her parents in Madina and she took Prophet Muhammad PBUH along with her. When Bibi Aminah and Prophet Muhammad PBUH reached Madina, the jewish scholars in Medina upon seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH started to discuss amongst themselves and every scholar in Madina wanted to see Prophet Muhammad PBUH. One day one of the scholars visited Prophet Muhammad PBUH and informed to Bibi Aminah that this child is the final messenger of Allah (swt) and he will migrate to Madina from Makkah and he will spread the word of Allah (swt) to this entire world. Upon hearing this, Bibi Aminah was worried as Prophet Muhammad PBUH was very young and at this young age many of the scholars predicting about the future of her child made her feel that her son Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH may not be safe at Madina and she decided to return back to Makkah.

Bibi Aminah was accompanied by her attendant Umme Ayman and Prophet Muhammad PBUH, when Bibi Aminah reached a place called Abuwaa she fell sick, similar to her husband Abdullah who fell sick on his way to Makkah, when her sickness grew more she held Prophet Muhammad PBUH close to her and hugged him, as if she was aware that she is going to depart from this world soon leaving her son Prophet Muhammad PBUH all alone in this world. Bibi Amina with Prophet Muhammad PBUH in her arms breathed last and her soul departed from this world. Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a child was not aware as to why his mother Bibi Aminah is not speaking to him and was hugging her and he could not stop his tears coming out, the attendant and some other people of Madina finally buried Bibi Aminah in the place called Abuwaa. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was in great pain and sorrow, after the burial, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was not ready to leave the grave of his mother Bibi Aminah. Umme Ayman brought Prophet Muhammad PBUH  back to Makkah and Prophet Muhammad PBUH started living with his grand father Abd ul Muttalib in Makkah.

Grave of Bibi Aminah


What we Learnt / Guidance:

It is learnt from the above that two Angels of Allah (swt) Jibreel  (A.S) and Mikaail (A.S) descended upon the earth and opened the chest of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and removed a clot of blood from his heart and cleansed his heart. It can be understood that if  Allah (swt) wanted then he would have removed the stitches but then the hypocrites and  non believers would demand a proof of the said operation by the Angels on Prophet Muhammad PBUH, hence the mark of stitches were visible and many of the companions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH have witnessed it. It is narrated by Anas Ibn Mallik (R.A), who was the attendant of Prophet Muhammad PBUH that he saw the  marks of stitches in the chest of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

It is also learnt from the above, that even when times of idolatry, Bibi Aminah uttered such words where she praised Allah and she gave Prophet Muhammad PBUH under the care of Allah (swt), it clearly brings out that Allah (swt) never wanted any association with his beloved messenger.

The presence of Prophet Muhammad PBUH was such that even the leader of the Makkah would not let him move from his place, it is as if Allah (swt) wanted his beloved Prophet to learn leadership and politics. 

One can understand the pain of losing ones parents at a very young age and being born orphan and loosing mother at the age of 06 in itself speaks the amount of sorrow our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH has gone through, but Allah (swt) did not want any of them to be associated with the upbringing of his beloved Prophet as the hypocrites and the non believers would say that he imbibed in him the qualities of his mother or his father, hence Allah (swt) himself took the responsibility of upbringing  the beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH in every aspect.


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