Life History of Prophet Muhammad PBUH : Young age & Adulthood of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ PBUH


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ

In the name of Allah the most beneficent, the most merciful.

Dear Brothers & Sisters, 

"السلام عليكم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ"Assalamu Alaikum 

(May the blessings of Almighty and peace be upon you) 

Young age & Adulthood of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Hazrat Abu Talib was astonished when Bahira disagreed that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was not his son, then Hazrat Abu Talib said to Bahira that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the son of his brother, to that Bahira enquired what happened to the father of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Hazrat Abu Talib informed Bahira that the father of Prophet Muhammad PBUH Hazrat Abdullah had passed away before the birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Bahira said to Hazrat Abu Talib that “you said right” and then Bahira enquired about the mother of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Hazrat Abu Talib informed that the mother of Prophet Muhammad PBUH also passed away, to that Bahira informed Hazrat Abu Talib that you are saying the truth and Bahira informed Hazrat Abu Talib that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is some one who is very high in his status and that Hazrat Abu Talib should take proper care of him and Bahira also advised Hazrat Abu Talib to not proceed further to Syria along with Prophet Muhammad PBUH and to take him back to Makkah, as if the Jews find Prophet Muhammad PBUH and identify the signs as Bahira has identified then the safety of Prophet Muhammad PBUH would be at stake as the Jews are also looking for the signs of the last Prophet to come into this world and if they find signs of Prophet Muhammad PBUH who is from the lineage of Hazrat Ismail (A.S) then they will be very anguished and will not spare life Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Hazrat Abu Talib was also aware that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was not like the other children of his age and Prophet Muhammad PBUH is blessed with qualities which no other child of his age had possessed, hence Hazrat Abu Talib took Prophet Muhammad PBUH along with him and came back to Makkah.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was 15 years old and mostly spent his his time in solitude. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was never interested in playing with other children of his age, instead Prophet Muhammad PBUH would sit alone and ponder over nature and think who would be the creator and master of this universe, the nature which is so amazing and beautiful, that every thing is in its height of perfectionism, who would be the one who is worthy of worship etc. Prophet Muhammad PBUH never accepted that “Laat and Uzza” “Hubul” would have so much power that they would provide life to the universe as  “Laat and Uzza” “Hubul” themselves are not in lively form and they could not help and protect themselves, moreover they are man made, and God is not man made but man is made by God. Each and every one in Makkah, the old, the young, the poor and rich use to prepare their own idol / drew pictures of the idols and prostrated in front of them, Prophet Muhammad PBUH never accepted that they are the true creators of this world, he instead disliked them and always use to think about who would be the creator of this universe, as the idols would never be the creators as they are unable to help themselves and they are not even helpful to anyone at times of calamity or disease. The idols have no life in them, when they cannot protect themselves, then how it would be possible that they would provide protection to the people of this universe. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was in total disagreement and never worshipped any of the idols. It can be understood that it has been the quality of the  Prophets of Allah (swt) that, they would never go against the rules of the Allah (swt) and would always put themselves in pondering and understanding the real creator of this universe. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was of the firm decision that the idols and the pictures of Laat and Uzza, Hubul and other idols are not the real form of the Almighty God and those idols cannot help themselves and are dependent on the human for every action and are made by them are not qualified to be worshipped. Whenever, someone prostrated in front of these idols, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was filled with grief inside him as Prophet Muhammad PBUH knew that they are not real and true form of Almighty, the path followed by the people is also not the right path. Whenever Prophet Muhammad PBUH observed someone prostrating and worshipping idols, he would go in solitude and introspect himself as to what would be the right path and to whom should one consider as the Almighty God and offer worship. 

During this time, Makkah was becoming the hub of all bad habits like, drinking and gambling. Arrogance and fighting with each other for simple reason. was prominent amongst those bad habits. The people of Makkah were very fond of drinking and gambling, even the children of the people of Makkah observed their elders for their actions and followed their footsteps. However, every one in Makkah was amazed to see Prophet Muhammad PBUH never indulged himself with such activities and always kept away from these bad habits, instead he would always pay respect to elders and show kindness to the poor and young, this attitude and behaviour earned much dignity and respect amongst the people of Makkah for Prophet Muhammad PBUH. In order to help the family of Hazrat Abu Talib and also to find solace and solitude, Prophet Muhammad PBUH undertook the job of shepherd. Prophet Muhammad PBUH would collect the cattle of the people of Makkah and take them for grazing deep into the mountains, while the animals would graze, Prophet Muhammad PBUH would go into deep thoughts to identify and understand the real creator of this universe. The people of Makkah would give away their cattle to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Prophet Muhammad PBUH would take them and return back in the evening. It is noteworthy to understand that it is a profession which was undertaken by every Prophet of Allah (swt) as such the same was also done by our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

The people of Makkah held high respect for Prophet Muhammad PBUH for his well mannerism and kind heartedness. Many leaders and traders of the Makkah would keep their prized possessions/ money with Prophet Muhammad PBUH, as they felt that their prized possessions/ money would be at safer hands when it is kept with Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Prophet Muhammad PBUH protected the belongings of others, as it is the trust “Amanah” of others, Prophet Muhammad PBUH never took a single penny out of it or ever opened to see what it contained. Prophet Muhammad PBUH would return back the possessions in the same way as it was given without any change to its original form.  This well mannerism, and being trustworthy he was named as “Ameen” meaning “the one who is trustworthy”. This name was associated with Prophet Muhammad PBUH and people of Makkah use to call Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the Ameen (the trustworthy).

In those days the people of Makkah hosted many fairs many tribes from far flung places would visit those fairs and many traders would be largely benefited due to this fairs. One of the famous fair of Makkah is the fair of “Ukaaz” this fair would host all the tribes, apart form normal business affairs, the fair would also invite poets to showcase their talent and many poets would sing poems in praise of tribes and its leaders. It was also in practice that in these fairs people would start arguing with each other and eventually end up in fighting with each other. In one such incident, two people one from the tribe of Banu Qais and other from the tribe of Banu Kanana started to have an argument which lead to fight and eventually one of them was killed. The person who was killed was from the tribe of Banu Qais and the one who killed was from the tribe of Banu Kanana. When it was known to the leader of Banu Qais tribe they started attacking each other and this lasted many years, the dispute between the tribe of Banu Qais and Banu Kanana was not coming to a truce. The lunar month of Dhul Qaida, Dhul Hajja, Muharram and Rajab were considered the holy months during those times and no tribe was allowed to attack any other during these months. Even if there is a battle, the battle would be deferred in these months and resume once the holy months are over. The people of Banu Qais attacked the tribe of Banu Kanana in the month of Dhul Qaida which attracted the outrage and wrath of the entire Arab community. This dispute was now converted into full fledged war between Banu Qais and Banu Kanana.  As the tribe of Banu Kanana attacked during the month of Dhul Qaida, the name of the war was named as “Hurb e Fujjar’. When the war was declared, every tribe from either side took part in support of their brotherhood and the tribe of Quraish also took part in this battle as tribe of Banu Kanana and Banu Quraish were brothers amongst themselves as they belonged to the same family lineage, also they also had an agreement in place that they would never attack each other and if some one is in despair or in war then they will help each other. After few years, in the lunar month of Shawwal, Banu Qais once again attacked Banu Kanana and this time they also attacked the tribe of Quraish, which made the tribe of Quraish angry and Quraish responded to their attacks with full force. 


Prophet Muhammad PBUH was young and eligible to participate in war, Prophet Muhammad PBUH along with his paternal uncles participated in the war of Hurb e Fujjar. As Prophet Muhammad PBUH was directly involved in this war it can be said that the battle of “Hurb e Fujjar” was the first battle in which Prophet Muhammad PBUH participated directly. During the same time, when Prophet Muhammad PBUH was  around 20-21 year old,  a pact was passed to provide justice to the oppressed, unjust and cruelty by the people of Makkah. This pact was known as “Hulf e Fazal” which was solely responsible to provide justice to the oppressed people and also to provide justice to the cruelty faced by the poor people of Makkah. This agreement was made by Abdullah Bin Zaidaan Taimi who was one of the great leaders of Makkah, when the pact was signed the people of Bani Hashim, Bani Talib, Bani Asad, Bani Taimi Bin Marwah were present. All these tribes took an oath to protect the people of Makkah from injustice and cruelty by others. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was also present in this agreement as he was representing the tribe of Banu Hashim. Prophet Muhammad PBUH took active participation in this pact, as it was in favour of protecting the rights of the oppressed and poor people of Makakh. The active involvement of Prophet Muhammad PBUH towards the poor and the oppressed, brings us to understand how kind hearted and helpful was our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH.



Subhan Allah. Waiting to read next blog ...
Kashif said…
Masha Allah, well written.

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